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Freitag, 4. Juni 2021, 14:30 - 18:30

Global Challenges - Building Bridges between EU & US Progressives

Against the global challenges from Climate Change, Ending poverty securing to Peace and Disarmament there is an increasing  need to continue and to deepen a closer cooperation with US and EU progressive forces and to contribute to build up a coordinated progressive agenda.

The event will focus in on Challenges, Aspects and Tasks in the areas of Foreign Trade and Foreign Policy and on Strengthening Public Sector – Reducing Poverty in the Post Pandemic Era.

This event is part of  The Left group’s Strategic Initiative on the transatlantic EU-US relations.

Follow at https://broadcaster.interactio.eu/join/gbgh-jmld-52ac

Interpretation available in English, French, German, Spanish and Greek




14:30 Welcome and introduction to the event
MEP Martin Schirdewan, co-president of The Left in the European Parliament

14.40-16.30 Panel 1 : Challenges, Aspects and Tasks in the areas of Foreign Trade and Foreign Policy

Moderator: Ethan Earle, Paris-based political consultant, on: overview of Biden-Harris foreign policy


Mark Weisbrot, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, on: Biden’s macroeconomic approach, US sanctions, IFIs, Latin America and Europe
MEP Marisa Matias, The Left shadow rapporteur on the European Parliament’s report on the future of EU – US relations, which is currently being negotiated
Medea Benjamin, co-founder of the women-led peace group CODEPINK, on: positioning of the Biden administration in the recent Israel-Palestine conflict and broader Middle East policy (including Iran)
MEP Helmut Scholz, The Left coordinator in the Committee on International Trade, on: EU – US – China trade relations
Tobita Chow, director of Juctice is Global, on: environment, supply chains, vaccine diplomacy, trade policy and US-China relations


16.30 – 18.30 Panel 2: Strengthening Public Sector in the Post-Pandemic Era (10.30-12.30 NY time)

Introduction: Manon Aubry MEP, Co-president of The Left
Moderation: MEP S.Kouloglou, Foreign Affairs Committee


REP. Ilhan Omar, US Congressional Progressive Caucus Whip
MEP Pierre Larrouturou, Socialists & Democrats, Budgets and Employment Committees
MEP Ernest Urtasun, The Greens/EFA, Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee
Steven Erlanger, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent of The New York Times



