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Montag, 29. Januar 2018, 19:00 - 21:30, Brüssel

Reclaim the Manifesto of Ventotene!

Join us for a debate with leftist intellectuals for a critical re-appropriation of the Manifesto of Ventotene. This evening we will publish an e-book with contributions explaining why we think the Manifesto of Ventotene is crucial for a leftist vision of a socialist Europe. The following authors will be present: Luciana Castellina, Lubos Blaha, Dimitris Christopoulos, Frieder Otto Wolf, Jean-Pierre Dubois, Judith Dellheim and Michalis Spourdalakis.

Please register under the email address: huelya.tapti@ep.europa.eu.

For more information please go to : http://www.gabizimmer.eu/e-book-presentation-and-panel-discussion-29-01-2018-1900-2130-press-club-brussels/ 


The Press Club Brussels Europe
Rue Froissart 95
1040 Brüssel

