Diese Website dokumentiert mein Mandat als Abgeordneter des Europäischen Parlaments von 2009 bis 2024 und wird nicht mehr aktualisiert.


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Engagement für eine kernwaffenfreie Welt

Erklärung zum Internationalen Tag zur vollständigen Beseitigung der Nuklearwaffen


Joint Statement of Members of the European Parliament supporting the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

We, Members of the European Parliament, express concern at the dangers posed by the 16,300 nuclear weapons maintained by the nuclear weapons possessors, and by the threat of further proliferation of nuclear weapons.

We highlight the risk that these weapons could be used by accident, miscalculation or intent – especially in times of heightened conflict.

We note that any use of nuclear weapons by a State or non-State actor would cause catastrophic consequences to human health, society and the environment, and would violate international humanitarian law.

We therefore welcome the decision of the United Nations to establish September 26 as the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.

We support the aim of the day to enhance public awareness and education about the threat posed to humanity by nuclear weapons and the necessity for their total elimination.

We urge the EU Council to discuss and adopt a sound Common Position well ahead of the 2015 nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty Review conference which aims to initiate complete nuclear disarmament.

And we encourage parliaments and parliamentarians around the world to join with civil society, the United Nations and governments to observe this day annually and to act for the achievement of a nuclear-weapon-free world.


