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Dank der europäischen Filmschaffenden


In einer Presserklärung nach der Entschließung des Europäischen Parlaments zum Verhandlungsmandat für ein Freihandels- und Investitionsabkommen EU-USA haben europäische Filmschaffende ihre Genugtuung darüber zum Ausdruck gebracht, dass der Kultur- und audiovisuelle Bereich ausgeklammert wurde.

Exclusion of audiovisual and cultural services, including online services, from the EU-USA TTIP negotiating mandate.

Today, Thursday 23rd May 2013, the European Parliament has excluded by a huge majority the audiovisual and cultural services (including those provided on line) from the scope of the TTIP.

The 5360 European filmmakers thank sincerely the European Parliament for his renewed and strong support in favor of the European culture and creative community by excluding the whole audiovisual and cultural sector, including on line services from the scope of the EU- USA trade and investment agreement negotiating mandate.

The unambiguous and volontaristic political choice demonstrates that the European Parliament is fully committed to promote European culture in the digital world inside EU and abroad.

The 5360 European filmmakers

Strasbourg, 23 May 2013


