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Helmut Scholz verurteilt Bombenanschläge in Irak


In einem Brief an die Kommunistische Partei Iraks hat Helmut Scholz seine Bestürzung über die jüngsten Anschläge auf Pilger ausgedrückt und die Attentate auf unschuldige Menschen verurteilt.

Dear Comrades,

Please let me express my dismay about the wave of bombings and attacks in Baghdad, Hilla, Kirkuk, Mosul, Karbala and other towns across Iraq during the Imam al-Kadhim religious ceremonies on Wednesday 13th June 2012 which killed dozens of pilgrims and security forces on the streets.

I strongly condemn this heinous crime against innocent people, murdered by terrorists with the only aim to destabilize further the situation within Iraq.

Please be assured that in this difficult situation The GUE/NGL, the German DIE LINKE. delegation within European Parliament and I myself we are at your side and of all forces working honestly for overcoming the deep political crisis within Iraq and working for peace and stability within your country fulfilling the aspirations of normal Iraqi people.

Please convey our deepest condolences and sympathy to the families of martyrs.


Helmut Scholz

