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Internationales Hearing zu kernwaffenfreien Zonen am 5. Juni in Brüssel


It gives us great pleasure to invite you to our International Hearing on the »Re-evaluation of the NATO-nuclear strategy – possible steps towards nuclear weapons free zone after the NATO summit 2012« which is being organised by the delegation of German party DIE LINKE within European United Left/Nordic Green Left group (GUE/NGL) and having got the support by other Members of the EP, international initiatives for nuclear disarmament like the International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Arms (IALANA), ICAN, the Network »Future without Nuclear Weapons« and a strong contribution from International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) and other peace movement organizations side.

The hearing will take place on Tuesday 05 June 2012, 10:00 to 17:00 in the European Parliament in Brussels, room ASP 1G2.

In the immediate aftermath of the NATO-summit in Chicago we would like to initiate and establish a new discussion platform promoting critical debates on NATO’s new nuclear arms doctrine, as well as the modernization strategies of the nuclear powers and the theatre missile defence system. We also would like to exchange experiences and options regarding first steps towards nuclear disarmament and nuclear weapons free zones in particular, between the participants from political groups and non-governmental organizations form Eastern and Western Europe.

The presentations will be short and to the point in order to allow time for debate and discussion.

Please feel free to pass this information on to individuals and organisations you feel might be interested.

Yours sincerely Helmut Scholz, Member of the European ¨Parliament Confederal group GUE/NGL

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- International hearing on 05. June 2012 in Brussels »Re-evaluation of the NATO-nuclear strategy - possible steps towards nuclear weapons free zones after the NATO summit 2012«, 05 June 2012 in Brussel, 10am to 5pm, ASP 1 G-2

PROGRAMME 10.00 opening and welcome, by Helmut Scholz, MEP

10:20 - 12:30 The new NATO-Nuclear Weapons Strategy, Otfried Nassauer, Director BITS, Germany

The political conception of modernization-programs for nuclear weapons – state of play in an international comparison,

Kate Hudson (CND), United Kingdom The anti-missiles shield challenge in the global frame of a multipolar world,

Dr. Viktor Mizin, Deputy Director of the Institute for International Studies at the Moscow State Institute for International Relations (MGIMO); RF

Will the victory of Hollande change the debate on nuclear weapons in France?, Dr Perrin Toinin (IPPNW), FR (tbc) Debate

12:30 - 13:45Roundtable: After Chicago 2012 – challenges for the EU and EU Member States to take political steps towards nuclear disarmament , with Paul Schäfer, MP (DIE LINKE, Germany), Keith Taylor, MEP (Greens/EPA, United Kingdom), Pino Arlacchi , MEP (S&D, Italy),

13:45 - 15:00 lunch break

15.00 - 17:00 Nuclear weapons convention in 2012, Daniela Varano (ICAN), FR (tbc)

NPT-Conference and campaigns oft he international peace movement, proposals for strengthening the co-ordination, Magnus Lovold (ICAN), Norway (tbc)

Nuclear weapons free zones in Europe – real opportunity or political wish-dreaming? – political options and next steps: Dr Michele di Paolantonio, President of AIMPGN (IPPNW Italia) on the proposal of Mediterranean nuclear weapons free sea (MNWFS)

Yuri Donskoy, IPPNW Ukraine, on «Ukrainian position on nuclear disarmament, Ukrainian IPPNW thinking on new NATO strategy and policy for support of NW free zones in Europe«, Zita Makói, MD, IPPNW Hungary

Debate and conclusions

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For registration please contact: helmut.scholz@europarl.europa.eu

