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Europäischer Gewerkschaftsdachverband unterstützt Einführung von Finanztransaktionssteuer


In dieser Woche steht die Abstimmung über die Einführung einer Finanztransaktionssteuer auf der Tagesordnung der Plenarsitzung des Europäischen Parlaments. Nicht nur die Linke und die Linksfraktion im Europaparlament, auch zahlreiche Organisationen und Gruppierungen der Zivilgesellschaft - wie der Europäische Gewerkschaftsdachverband, siehe unten - haben sich für eine solche Steuer ausgesprochen. Im Ausschuss der Regionen betonte Brandenburgs Wirtschaftsminister Ralf Christoffers die Notwendigkeit, eine Finanztransaktionssteuer einzuführen (http://www.mwe.brandenburg.de/sixcms/detail.php/bb1.c.276447.de).

Brussels, 21 May 2012

Dear Member of the European Parliament,

I am writing on behalf of the ETUC to urge you to vote in favour of the Podimata report on the proposal for a directive on a common system of financial transaction tax (FTT) at the plenary session on 23 May.

The ETUC has long called for the introduction of an FTT not least in order to curb financial speculation, ensure that the financial sector contributes to covering the costs of the crisis and raise much needed revenue to governments. We believe that the scope of the tax should be broad and cover all financial transactions, including derivatives and spot currency transactions. Therefore, we urge you not to support any exemptions for pension funds or UCITS (undertakings for collective investments in transferable securities).

The ETUC represents the interests of 85 trade union organisations in 36 European countries, including 10 industry-based federations. Collectively we represent 60 million working people across Europe, who have directly or indirectly been affected by the economic crisis and the measures taken to address it. Our members will be very interested in the outcome of this vote as a signal that European politicians are true to their word that the financial services sector should make a fair contribution to paying for the costs of the crisis, the burden of which has so far disproportionately fallen on Europe¡¦s workers and citizens.

Yours sincerely,

Veronica Nilsson

ETUC Confederal Secretary

