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Gegen ein Verschärfung des Abtreibungsrechts in Polen


Helmut Scholz hat den Brief von Mitgliedern des Europäischen Parlaments unterschrieben, in dem Kommissionspräsidentin von der Leyen zum Handeln hinsichtlich der Verschärfung des Abtreibungsrechts in Polen aufgefordert wird:


Call for action

Dear Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, dear Commissioner Věra Jourová, dear Commissioner Helena Dalli, dear Commissioner Didier Reynders,

The ruling of the Polish “Constitutional Tribunal” on the de-facto ban on abortion, even in cases of severe foetal impairment, is the straw that has broken the camel's back. Thousands of people have taken the streets of Poland to protest for their rights, to stand up to the government’s recent and current infringements of the rule of law, women’s fundamental rights and the right to bodily autonomy. This ruling puts people's lives and their health at risk, violates Poland’s international human rights obligations and showcases the dire situation of democracy and rule of law in the country.

As EU citizens and European Members of Parliaments, we declare our heartfelt solidarity with Polish citizens resisting this situation. While the Polish government’s attack on the independence of the judiciary in Poland has been going on since 2015, we are convinced that it is more important than ever to finally stand up for our common EU values. Polish citizens are EU citizens and they rightly insist that EU institutions, in particular the European Commission, must defend their rights.

We call upon the European Commission to give testament to these common values and to use all available tools at their disposal. As such, we urge the European Commission to launch an infringement procedure against Poland on matters of the “Constitutional Tribunal” as well as “LGBTI-free zones". Furthermore, we urge the Commission to determinedly act on the recently decided rule of law conditionality for the future EU budget. Our hard-fought rights and values, which we are rightly proud of, are at stake.


