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LAST CALL - EU Cities for Fair and Ethical Trade Award 2021 Launch Event on 4 February


Last call to register:
Official launch of the EU Cities for Fair and Ethical Trade Award 2021

When: Tuesday 4th February 2020, 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Where: Brussels, Committee of the Regions

Only six days left until the EU Cities for Fair and Ethical Trade Award’s second edition launch event with DG Trade and The International Trade Center.

This award offers a unique opportunity for cities to celebrate innovative efforts for a global transition towards fair and ethical trade. 

This is the last call to register and ensure your city is represented among a variety of other EU cities. Come learn about the 2021 Award process, unique sustainable practices, and hear case stories from previous applicants.

Find out how your city can be the next Sustainable Trade Champion Award winner and register now!

Register Now: https://live.eventtia.com/en/eucitiesforfairandethicaltradeaward2021

