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Walking the talk: putting Fair Trade into practice in the EU


The new EU trade policy contains ambitious commitments to use trade as a tool to promote EU values and policy objectives. But, what concrete initiatives can the EU put in place to contribute to Fair Trade?

As a constructive contribution to build on this strategy to reach EU’sobjectives, the European Parliament Fair Trade Working Group is hosting an event to discuss concrete initiatives through which the EU can contribute to Fair Trade worldwide. In the event we will hear the experiences and proposals from individualsand organisations that have already put in place best practices, or who are facing obstacles that the EU con contribute to mitigate.

The event (14th July2021; 14:00-15:00) will count with the participation as speakers, moderators and first respondents of Members of the European Parliament, EEAS, and at least one high ranking DG trade official. Please register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvjeRHL0j0519cjpMmGbnYzR_YCuu1jSflBr7DvSLz21scGQ/viewform

Join the webinar at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82777866633


