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Keine deutschen U-Boote an die Türkei!


Helmut Scholz trägt die Forderung von Abgeordneten des Europäischen Parlaments aus verschiedenen Fraktionen mit, keine deutschen U-Boote an die Türkei zu liefern. Das Schreiben ist an Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel gerichtet.


Dear Chancellor,

in the light of ongoing tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean, as Greek and German Members of the European Parliament we call on the German government to immediately suspend the export of German submarines, its components and spare parts as well as all related maintenance activities.

Our appeal follows the European Parliament’s resolution of 17 September 2020 on Arms export: implementation of Common Position 2008/944/CFSP (para 17) which:

calls on the VP / HR, for as long as Turkey continues with its current illegal, unilateral

actions in the Eastern Mediterranean that run counter to the sovereignty of any EU Member State (notably Greece and Cyprus) and international law, and does not engage in dialogue based on international law, to introduce an initiative in the Council for all EU Member States to halt arms export licensing to Turkey in accordance with the Common Position

Turkey’s recent explorative activities for natural gas deposits has led to an escalation of a simmering dispute between Turkey and Greece over maritime rights in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea.

We are extremely concerned about Turkey’s threats of military action against EU Member States in the Eastern Mediterranean and fear that Turkey could employ submarines produced in Germany in this conflict.

Therefore, we urge the German government to undertake urgent measures to suspend in relation to Turkey the export of submarines, its components and spare parts - largely produced by German Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems and assembled in Turkey – as well as related maintenance.


Yours sincerely,

Hannah Neumann, MEP                                        Maria Spyraki, MEP

Rasmus Andresen, MEP                                        Nikos Androulakis, MEP

Gabriele Bischoff, MEP                                          Konstantinos Arvantis, MEP

Reinhard Bütikofer, MEP                                        Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, MEP

Udo Bullmann, MEP                                                Emmanoil Fragkos, MEP

Delara Burkhardt, MEP                                           Alexis Georgoulis, MEP

Patrick Breyer, MEP                                                Eva Kaili, MEP

Anna Cavazzini, MEP                                             Manolis Kefalogiannis, MEP

Anna Deparnay-Grunenberg, MEP                      Petros Kokkalis, MEP

Özlem Demirel, MEP                                               Stelios Koulouglou, MEP

Cornelia Ernst, MEP                                                Elena Kountoura, MEP

Romeo Franz, MEP                                                 Stelios Kympouropoulos, MEP

Daniel Freund, MEP                                                Georgios Kyrtsos, MEP

Evelyne Gebhardt, MEP                                         Vangelis Meimarakis, MEP

Jens Geier, MEP                                                      Dimitrios Papadimoulis, MEP

Sven Giegold, MEP                                                 Elissavet Vozemberg-Vrionidi, MEP

Henrike Hahn, MEP                                                Theodoros Zagorakis, MEP

Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana, MEP

Petra Kammerevert, MEP

Dietmar Köster, MEP

Constanze Krehl, MEP

Bernd Lange, MEP

Katrin Langensiepen, MEP

Erik Marquardt, MEP

Martina Michels, MEP

Ulrike Müller, MEP

Norbert Neuser, MEP

Niklas Nienaß, MEP

Maria Noichl, MEP

Jutta Paulus, MEP

Manuela Ripa, MEP

Martin Schirdewan, MEP

Joachim Schuster, MEP

Helmut Scholz, MEP

Birgit Sippel, MEP

Tiemo Wölken, MEP




